Frequently Asked Questions

We value your time, so we’ve done our best to provide fast answers—all in one place. We’re happy to address some of your most frequently asked questions about our school here. You can also find information about school policies in your school’s student handbook. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions or comments.

How do I enroll my child at Moniteau?

We are thrilled to welcome new members to our community! Please visit our Registration page for the information about enrolling your child at one of our schools. You may also download and print a copy of the registration forms and bring the completed forms, together with the required documentation, to the district office. You will meet with Mrs. Kristufek, the district registrar, to begin the enrollment process. This office is located at 1810 West Sunbury Road.

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Does your school offer breakfast and lunch?

We operate an excellent nutrition program at each campus. Our cafeterias serve breakfast and lunch every school day for a reasonable price. We also participate in the federal free and reduced price lunch program for those who qualify. For more information or to apply for free/reduced meals, please see our Food Services page.

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What if my child requires medication during the school day?

We will administer medication in accordance with state regulations and with physician and parental approval. Please complete our medication authorization form, and bring medications in the original, labeled packaging to the front office. Students who are old enough and know how to use them, may carry and self-administer asthma inhalers and other life-saving medications (Epi-Pens), but only with parent approval.

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Do you provide transportation services?

We are pleased to provide our students with safe, reliable transportation to and from school each day. We consider bus riding a privilege and expect all students to adhere to the rules for their own safety as well as for the safety of others. For information on bus policies, schedules, and routes, please visit our Transportation page.

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What are the school hours?

Elementary: 9:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.

High School: 7:25 a.m.–2:25 p.m.

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What do I need to do if my child will be absent from school?

If your child must miss school, please call the school office on the day of his/her absence. Please send a written note of explanation to school when your child returns. If you know your child will miss school for a planned family outing, please complete our Request For Excusal form a week prior to your trip, and make homework arrangements with your child’s teacher. For information about attendance requirements and what qualifies as an excused absence, please refer to your school’s student handbook.

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What if my child needs to leave school early?

A parent or guardian must sign out and pick up students at the front office.

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Do you enforce a dress code at Moniteau?

We expect our students to dress in an appropriate manner at all times. Student dress may not present a health or a safety hazard, violate municipal, county, or state law, or present a potential disruption of the educational process. Students may be required to wear uniforms or meet additional requirements for safety in physical education, technical education classes, and during extracurricular activities. Generally, we do not allow:

  • Short, skirts, or dresses that do not reach fingertip-length when standing
  • Leggings, tights, or spandex unless covered by appropriate-length clothing
  • Torn, see-through or mesh clothing, or clothing with holes
  • Spaghetti-straps, halter tops, or shirts and dresses with less than two inches of a sleeve
  • Clothing that exposes any part of the wearer's midsection or undergarments
  • Clothing with any logo, writing, symbols, or numbers that reflect violence, malicious behavior, offensive language, sexual innuendo, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or anything otherwise considered disruptive or gang related
  • Sleepwear and outerwear, including coats, umbrellas, and snow boots worn in the building
  • Excessively baggy or sagging pants; pants must be worn at the natural waistline
  • Outdoor, winter coats, and boots in the building
  • Sunglasses, hats, caps, or other headgear worn inside the building 
  • Spiked jewelry, wallet chains, or animal collars
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What is the cell phone policy at Moniteau?

High School: We encourage all students to keep personal electronic devices at home, including cell phones. While we understand a parent’s wish to stay connected to their children during the school day, we cannot be held responsible for the loss, theft, or damage of any personal electronic device. If your child must bring a cell phone or other electronic communication device to school, it should remain powered off and/or in your child’s locker during the school day. Students may use cell phones only during their scheduled lunch period. On occasion, a teacher may give special permission to utilize personal electronic devices during class time for research or interactive instruction, but all such instances will be communicated ahead of time. Please review your school’s student handbook for more information.

Elementary: We only allow students to use electronic devices during the instructional day with teacher permission. Cell phones must be turned off upon entering the building and may not be turned on until the student leaves the building at the end of the school day. Students must also store the cell phones in their book bag during the day where they are out of sight. The student bears total responsibility for safeguarding this and any other device in his/her possession. The administration discourages students from possessing electronic devices on the school bus.

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Will my child have access to the Internet while on campus?

Students can access the Internet from their district issued Chromebooks. We expect our students to follow the acceptable use policy and behave responsibly on school issued devices and networks.

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May my high schooler drive to and from school?

Yes, and student parking is available with a parking permit. However, students may not drive any time during school hours, including class breaks and lunch periods. Also, students may not sit in their vehicles during the lunch period.

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How can I get more involved?

We strongly encourage your involvement. Please take the time to introduce yourself to your child’s teacher and let him or her know that you’re interested in getting involved. You may need to complete a volunteer release form and have a background check. Parents can also support their child’s education in some basic ways, including:

  • Encouraging your child to get plenty of sleep 
  • Offering a healthy diet—including a good breakfast (or getting your child to school early enough to eat breakfast in our cafeteria)
  • Helping your child get up in plenty of time for school
  • Providing neat, clean, comfortable clothes
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