Athletics and Activities

At Moniteau, we believe that participation in athletics widens the educational experience and makes school more enjoyable. In addition to strengthening physical skills, students learn valuable life skills, including teamwork, ideals of fairness and sportsmanship, self discipline and responsibility, and respect for authority and teammates.

Girls Basketball Team for 2024-2025
Group of adult athletes in the gym for Black and White Night 2024

PIAA Physicals

All student athletes participating in interscholastic sports must receive a physical exam and complete the PIAA Physical packet prior to participation in regular season practices and events.

Golden Pass Information

Moniteau School District is offering a "Golden Pass" for the senior citizens of our school district. The Golden Pass entitles the pass holder to free admission for all Moniteau-sponsored, regular-season, home athletics events. Applicants must reside in the school district and be over the age of 62. Applications are available at the ticket booth of any home athletics event and via the link below. Applications must be completed and turned into the high school office along with a copy of the applicant's photo ID. For more information on the application process, please contact the athletics director.

Student Eligibility

To participate in sports or any extracurricular activities at Moniteau, we require students to be passing a minimum of four (4) credits and to not be failing two (2) or more classes they are currently enrolled in. Students who do not meet this requirement may not participate in scheduled games during that week; they may continue to attend practices.

Teachers post weekly grades by 3:00 p.m. every Thursday. We notify coaches and students of ineligibility statuses by 3:00 p.m. the following day.

Athletics Staff

Dylan Beachem
Athletics and Activities Director
(724) 637-2091, ext. 1128

Katie Epler
Athletic Trainer
Athletic training services are provided by NovaCare Rehabilitation
(724) 637-2091, ext. 1502

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Interscholastic Athletic Opportunities Disclosure Form

No later than November 1 of each year, a school entity shall post on its website the disclosure form and also make available a hard copy of the completed Interscholastic Athletic Opportunities Disclosure Form for public inspection during regular business hours as well as any publicly accessible website of the school entity. The completed Interscholastic Athletic Opportunities Disclosure Form will constitute a public record subject to public inspection under the Right-To-Know Law.

Notice to students and other affected individuals – As soon as the Interscholastic Athletic Opportunities Disclosure Form is submitted to PDE, each school entity shall provide notice of its availability for review to students, educational personnel, student athletes, and parents by posting a notice on school bulletin boards, school newspaper, any electronic mailing list or list serve, and by any other means reasonably to provide such notice.